Adapted from the MTA Summer Conference Workshop Copiloting: A toolkit for cooperating teachers. 

The education profession depends on the willingness of professional teachers and administrators to open their doors to aspiring practitioners. Professional learning, support and development of school-based practitioners/cooperating taechers often falls through the cracks. CEPP is drafting materials for practitioners to help bridge this gap.

Here is a self-directed activity for cooperating teachers, mentor teachers and/or peer evaluators in observing  classroom instruction, taking notes and framing feedback.

Follow our Observing Practice & Giving Feedback series for more tools and resources.

ACTIVITY #1- Giving Feedback after a Walk-Through/Brief Observation

1.Using a sticky note or other small notepad, jot down brief notes on teacher actions and student actions from the perspective of an observer conducting a brief, unannounced observation of less than five minutes.

Sample Video #1 –


2.Using an observational rubric or another inventory of teacher knowledge, skills and abilities as well as your own professional knowledge, rate the practice of the educator in one area.

  1. Prepare feedback for the educator using both your observational notes and the language of the feedback tool/rubric of your choice using the following stems:

Statement of Observation

During my visit,  I observed _________ (teacher actions). I observed the student(s) _______________.Using the ______________(rubric or tool), the teacher met the criteria for _____________ (rating) in ___________ (standard/indicator/domain).

Commendations and Recommendations

To further your skills in the area of _________(name specific skill or action, use language from the rubric when possible), I recommend  ______________________ (specific resources) and ___________ (specific actions) to be reviewed and implemented. 

Our next meeting will occur on _________ (date/time).I expect to discuss _______(domain) and the ______________(resources and actions) that have been implemented. 


Did you…

  • Give objective statements that describe teacher actions?
  • Give objective statements that describe student actions?
  • Frame feedback in the order of events as they occurred in the classroom?
  • Reference specific areas on an evaluation rubric or tool?
  • Provide specific resources and access to the resources for the teacher?
  • Directly state the expected activities and timelines for the teacher to undertake the activity?
  • Are the anticipated  activities directly tied to the feedback, resources and within the stated timeframe?
  • Set a time for a follow-up conversation and the agenda for the meeting?

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<br /><strong>ACTIVITY #2 – Giving Feedback after an Announced/Full Class Observation</strong>

1.Using a notebook or blank electronic document, note teacher and student activities in the order in which they occurred.
<li>Watch the first minute of the video and pause. Jot down brief notes on the classroom environment, the role and location of instructional staff, student grouping and classroom environment. Note the content area and any lesson objectives that are immediately available.</li>
<li>Watch the full video. Take brief notes on teacher actions and student actions in the order in which they occur. <em>Refrain from taking any notes that make judgements on the teacher's practice or students' actions and avoid making any suggestions in your observational notes. </em></li>


2.Using an <a href="; target="_blank">observational rubric or another inventory of teacher knowledge, skills and abilities </a>as well as your own professional knowledge, rate the practice of the educator in one or more areas.

3. Prepare feedback for the educator using both your observational notes and the language of the feedback tool/rubric of your choice using the following stems:

<em><strong>Statement of Observation</strong></em>

<em>Observation Date/Time ___________</em>

<em>Teacher(s) and Instructional Support Staff________________________</em>

<em>Subject Area and Lesson Content Area__________________</em>

<em>Number of Students ________________________</em>

<em>Note use of technology, instructional resources, student seating/grouping or other instructional tools __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________</em>

<em>Summarize your narrative description of teacher actions and student actions</em> (<em>stick to factual observationsand describe events order in which they occurred – refrain from judgemental language or suggestions for improved practice)</em>


<em><strong>Commendations and recommendations</strong></em>

<em>To further your skills in the area of _________(name specific skill or action, use language from the rubric when possible), I recommend  ______________________ (specific resources) and ___________ (specific actions) to be reviewed and implemented. </em>

<em>Our next meeting will occur on _________ (date/time).I expect to discuss _______(domain) and the ______________(resources and actions) that have been implemented. </em>


<strong>CHECK YOUR WORK! </strong>

Did you…
<li>Give objective statements that describe teacher actions?</li>
<li>Give objective statements that describe student actions?</li>
<li>Frame feedback in the order of events as they occurred in the classroom?</li>
<li>Reference specific areas on an evaluation rubric or tool?</li>
<li>Provide specific resources and access to the resources for the teacher?</li>
<li>Directly state the expected activities and timelines for the teacher to undertake the activity?</li>
<li><strong>Are the anticipated  activities directly tied to the feedback, resources and within the stated timeframe?</strong></li>
<li>Set a time for a follow-up conversation and the agenda for the meeting?</li>


Questions? Suggestions? Leave us a comment!






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